Landscape Images - Portugal

Unten findest Du die dt. Fassung, aber eigentlich ist es nicht ganz richtig, es ist keine wirkliche Übersetzung ... Wenn Du beide Sprachen sprichst, umso besser, sofern ich Dich nicht langweile, versteht sich. 

Hi Everyone & Hallo,

I spent a few weeks in Portugal during the summer and it was just perfect. Then, back to Berlin, it kept being perfect. I've captured a lot of images, that I will be uploading in the near future.

Following are a selection of landscape images I took in Portugal.

For viewing some of them separately, visit my website (here & here), flickr, or even instagram - where I recently started uploading all my photographs as well.

During August, while I was posting these photo series, I received quite a few purchase requests. So, thanks a lot to all of my supporters. You made me jump. 

:::  D E U T S C H  :::

Ich bin seit August wieder in Berlin, nachdem ich/wir einige Wochen in Portugal verbrachten. In der Zeit sind viele neue Aufnahmen entstanden. Hier oben einige Landschaftsaufnahmen.

In den folgenden Monaten werden Mirimalism & Architekturaufnahmen aus Lissabon folgen, und natürlich auch aktuelle Aufnahmen aus Berlin. 

Nach wie vor freue ich mich, wenn Dich meine Fotos ansprechen, und möchte auf diesem Weg jedem danken, der mich auf die eine oder andere Weise unterstützt.

Postcards from Lisbon - Destination Nr. 4

Hi Everyone,
it's mail time and as some of you may already know, this means that I will send out 36 postcards with a personal message, signed and numbered. This time from Lisbon.

As I have been to Lisbon a couple of times before, I could actually just send you postcards with some of the photos I have taken there in the past. Yet, the entire idea behind my 36x36x36 postcard project is to see what kind of postcards I can find there, and send you the best that catch my eye. Not an easy task, but one I enjoy.

If you too would like to receive a postcard, all you need to do is to provide me with your address. But keep in mind: First come, first serve. So you better be quick.

The initial idea of my 36x36x36 postcard project dates back to two postcards I received in May 2014.  See more

Thank you & vielen Dank

Portugal 2013 © Miri Berlin Photography

Portugal 2013 © Miri Berlin Photography